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Theses and Dissertations

Student Author Faculty Advisor Title Year
Kevin Collier, MS S. Coyne Does parental mediation of media influence child outcomes? A meta-analysis on media time, content, aggression, substance use, sexual behavior, and health outcomes 2015
Sage Erickson, MS A. Hawkins Got hope? Measuring the construct of relationship hope with a nationally representative sample of married individuals 2015
Nathan Smith, PhD S. Coyne Does video game content matter? An examination of two competing theories 2015
Nathaniel Stoddard, MS E. Holmes Hooking up, sexual attitudes, and parental repartnering choices: Variations at the intersection of race and gender 2015
Kevin Stott, MS J. Yorgason Depression symptoms and marital quality in Vietnam-era veterans: Does the presence of higher Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) matter? 2015
Stephanie Luster, PhD L. Nelson Social withdrawal and internalizing problems in emerging adutlhood: Does parenting matter? 2015
Jerevie Canlas, PhD R. Miller The influence of family relationship satisfaction and perceived work-family harmony on mental health among Asian working mothers in Singapore 2015
Jessica Hansen, MS C. Porter Attachment, vagal tone, and co-regulation during infancy 2014
Sherry Cowen, PhD R. Day A school-based meta-analysis of depression prevention programs for children and adolescents 2014
Scott Payne, PhD J. Yorgason More than money: Understanding marital influences on retirement savings rates 2014
Stephanie Blickfeldt, MS R. Day Adolescent self-disclosure and father involvement transactions across early to mid-adolescence 2013
Kathryn Gustafson, MS J. Yorgason Emotional involvement with grandparents as a key component of prosocial development: Testing empathic concern as a mediator 2013
Hayley Holladay, MS E. Holmes Mothers' work-to-family conflict and children's academic achievement: Do school involvement and work hours matter? 2013
Karen Jensen, MS T. Olson Qualitative analysis of women who make motherwork a career choice: Religious minorities 2013
Kaylene Fellows, MS E. J. Hill Materialism and psychological well-being: A meta-analytic study 2012
Carly Thornock, MS L. Nelson There's no place like home: How residential attributes affect family functioning 2012
Ashley Fraser, MS L. Walker "I just can't do it!" The effects of social withdrawal on prosocial behavior 2012
Jerevie Canlas, MS R. Miller Relational and social contexts as predictors of satisfaction and stability among Asian-White couples 2012
Hsin-Yao Chiu, MS D. Busby Family structure and family instability: Evaluation their influence on adult outcomes 2012
Holly Coutts, MS S. Coyne "Don't worry ... be happy": The influence of parental anxiety on adolescent self-esteem 2012
Tamara Fackrell, PhD A. Hawkins Wandering in the wilderness: A grounded theory study of the divorce or reconciliation decision-making process 2012
Nicole Kay, MS D. Busby The changing meaning of marriage: An analysis of contemporary marital attitudes of young adults 2012
Shelece McAllister, MS S. Duncan An exploratory analysis of factors associated with participation in self-directed and traditional marriage and relationship education 2012
Toshi Shichida, MS D. Dollahite Types of religiousness and marital relationships 2011
Sarah Ahlander Stone, MS C. Porter The infant orientaing response as it relates to mother-infant co-regulation and attachment 2011
Call, Lindsay L. R. Day Exploring Financial Knowledge, Behaviors, and Economic Socialization in an Incarcerated Population: A Mixed Methods Analysis 2011
Poulsen, Franklin O. T. Holman Adult Attachment: A Framework for Predicting Dating Patterns  2011
Urry, Shirene  L. Nelson  Gone But Not Forgetting: Examining the Differentiation of Flourishing and Floundering in Emerging Adulthood in the Context of Family Development  2011
Jubber, V. Ann  S. Roper  Metabolic Control, Marital Conflict, Caregiver Burden, and Psychological Control in Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes  2011
Tackett, Sarah L.  T. Draper  Personality and Relationship Satisfaction: Evaluating the Direct Associations Between Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Extraversion and Relationship Satisfaction in Romantic Couple Relationships  2011
Stockdale, Laura A.  S. Coyne  Emulating Gossip Girl: Aggressive and Prosocial Material in Adolescent Novels and Associations with Behaviors  2011
Yoshida, Keitaro  D. Busby  Evaluation of RELATE Using Rasch Analysis  2010
Van Langeveld, Alisa D. R. Day Sibling Relationships, Stress, and Well-Being During Early Adolescence 2010
Jones, Blake L.     C. Porter Sleep, BMI, and Work-Family Conflict:  A Gender Comparison of U.S. Workers 2010
Wheeler, Brandan E. J. Yorgason Age Difference in Marriage:  Exploring Predictors of Marital Quality in Husband-Older, Wife-Older, and Same-Age Marriages 2010
Leavitt, Chelom E. D. Nelson A Closer Look at Parental Monitoring:  Adolescent Disclosure and Concealment 2010
Galovan, Adam M. E. Holmes Emotional Intimacy, Coparenting, and Family Work: A Latent Class Growth Analysis 2010
Christensen, Katherine J. L. Walker Early Adolescents' Forgiveness of Parents: An Analysis of Determinants 2010
Needham, Carma M.     A. Hawkins At the Crossroads of Divorce:  A Formative Evaluation of a Self-Directed Intervention for Participants of Utah's Divorce Orientation Education Class for Divorcing Parents 2010
Leishman, Joan M. S. Olsen Roper Individual and Family Predictors of the Caregiver Burden of Parents Raising a Child with Diabetes 2010
Layton, Emily G.     D.Dollahite Anchors of Religious Commitment in Adolescence 2010
Walker, Eric C.      T. Holman The Importance of Using SEM When Studying Multiple Dimensions of Marital Satisfaction: Measurement Invariance Across Relationship Length and Gender 2009
Keister, Emily K. D. Nelson Russian Parenting: Interactions With Aggression 2009
Childs, Geniel S. Duncan Marriage Preparation Education Programs: An Evaluation of Essential Elements of Quality 2009
Blanchard, Victoria L. A. Hawkins Does Marriage and Relationship Education Improve Couples' Communication? A Meta-Analytic Study 2008
Evans, Courtney A. L. Nelson Making Sense of their World: Sensory Reactivity and Sensory Awareness as Predictors of Social Interaction in Early Childhood 2008
Howard, Rachelle E. T. Olson Acknowledging Morality in Methodology 2008
Price, Jessica L. Smith R. Day A Longitudinal Examination of the Influences of Family Processes and Demographic Variables on Adolescent Weight 2008
Sheffield, Rachel J. Yorgason Dating in Midlife: A Dyadic Approach Examining Partner Perceptions on Relationship Quality 2008
Sybrowsky, Jacob P. I. Beutler Paths Toward Impulse Buying: The Effect of Credit Use and Debt Avoidance on the Paths Between Money Attitudes and Impulse Buying in U.S. College Students  2007
Marshall, Shawna Jean C. Robinson Interactions Among Italian Preschool-Age Children: Aggression, Victimization, and Sociometric Status 2007
Martinegro, Giusseppe E.J. Hill Gender Differences and Similarities in the Work-Family Interface: The Importance of Considering Family Life Stages 2007
George, Jennifer Denise S. Olsen Roper Economic Hardship and Children's Withdrawal in Romanian Families 2007
Wu, Peixia C.Hart Social Withdrawal and its Behavioral Correlates Among Chinese Preschoolers 2006
Bikhazi, Sacha L. D. Nelson Understanding Psychological Control Through Differenced Between Shame and Dissapointment: Implications for Childhood Aggression 2006
Fawcett, Elizabeth Brinton A. Hawkins Is Marriage Education Effective? A Meta-Analytic Review of Marriage Education Programs 2006
Viveiros, Abigail J. T. Holman The Developmental Timing of Divorce and Adult Children's Romantic Relationship Quality 2006
Ohmine, Staci Shizuko C. Porter Marital Harmony and Conflict: Linkages to Infants' Emotional Regulation, Cardiac Vagal Tone, and Developmental Status at Six-and Nine-Months of Age 2006
Lau, Ai Shibazaki C. Hart Japanese Mothers' Parenting Styles with Preschool-Age Children 2006
Thatcher, Jennifer Yorgason D. Dollahite How Parents and Their Adolescent Children "Talk the Talk" in Religious Conversations 2006
MacArthur, Stacey S. K. McCoy The Individual and Interaction Effects of Sexual Abuse and Religiosity on Eating Disorder Characteristics and Diagnosis in Young Adult Females 2005
Bacon, Carianne D. Nelson The Development of Intent Attribution and Aggression: A Study of Children and Their Parents 2005
Steed, April S. Duncan The Creation and Formative Evaluation of an Attachment-Based Parenting Education Website 2005
Mead, Nicole L. T. Holman Personality Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction Among Engaged and Married Couples: An Analysis of Actor and Partner Effects 2005
Dean, Lukas R. J. Carroll Materialism, Perceived Financial Problems and Marital Satisfactions 2005
Horlacher, Gary T. B. Ingoldsby Contextual Relationship Model Across Four Cultures 2005